Louise Fernitz


Genesis 9:13 “I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth.”

Louise has taught Art for over 20 years! She likes to consider herself both an Educator and an Artist. Her passion has always been teaching children Art, and she finds it deeply rewarding when a child’s face lights up with pride after completing a piece of artwork. Louise believes that children need Art to learn about themselves and the world around them. There are no mistakes in Art, and once a child understands this, the truly begin to blossom!

Louise retired from teaching nearly 10 years ago, but was excited about the opportunity to return to the classroom here at Cornerstone, and we are so happy to have her.

Louise and her husband Dave raised 4 sons in Northbrook, Illinois, their hometown. Gradually, they have all made the move to the Colorado mountains and are living their best lives together!